

復帰の初日に飛ぶには、以下リンクをクリックしてください。 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/un_eternity/200409

Gathering of the taste of one time in a month. A new friend was taken. It seems that it was liked. With this, ・・・ that one house increases.月1回の趣味の集まり。 新しい友達を連れて行った。 気にいってくれたようだ。これで、オタクが一人増…

It went to Tokyo for the technological symposium and the unofficial decision person meeting.A president and an executive vice president could be seen, and the atmosphere of the company was very much being conveyed in the technological symp…

A hair was cut for tomorrow.This time, too, short hair.It becomes very easy that a hair is washed.You have only to push half of the shampoo.It is economical! 明日のために髪の毛を切った。 今回も、短髪。 髪の毛を洗うのがとても楽になります。 …

The graduation official approval of 2 circle.One time stalling.A balance beam is 6.2 seconds.It thought whether it failed.However, it passed.It is fine with this, the body of the freedom. 二輪の卒業検定。 1回エンスト。 平均台は、6.2秒…

A car was taken out to the automobile inspection.Only at an initial cost, about 70000 yen.The repair price adds it to this.Still, than to buy it, it is cheaper, ・・・. Give me money if you sympathize. 車を車検に出した。 初期費用だけで、7…

As it studies more, a mystery is only deepened.Microsoft ・・・.Someday, I reveal my true character! 勉強すればするほど、 謎は深まるばかり。マイクロソフトめ・・・ いつか、正体を暴いてやる!

Girl friend and date.For the first time, it tried to go to music box musium.There was a music box of the banjo orchestra.The live show of the machine device.It was terrific. 彼女とデート。 パルパル&オルゴールミュージアムへ。初めて、ミュー…

It doesn't work part-time for one week from tomorrow.It is only it, happiness. 明日から丸々一週間、 アルバイトをしない。 それだけで幸せ。

This year, the last one-day experience entrance into a school.As for the participation number.The best 150 people overcoats in history.Though it was busy, there was feeling of the achievement. 今年最後の一日体験入学。 参加人数は、 史上最高…

To the friend and the movie.FAINAL FANTASY and COWBOY BEBOP.Both animate cartoon.CG of FF is beautiful!If only a fixed idea is abandoned, it is an interesting movie.CB is a king way.It is pleasant though it is attacked by the usual pattern…

This week, a class isn't taken straight. 今週、まともに授業受けてないなぁ。

There was a drama classroom.A theme is Sakamoto Ryoma."Tate" was terrific.Truly, it is a team in period drama sightseeing-mura. 演劇教室がありました。 題材は、坂本竜馬。 殺陣が凄かったですよ。 流石、時代劇観光村のチームだ。

・・・ which a memory is not in.Were because you sleeping? 記憶が無い・・・ 寝てたから?

It is violent and sleepy.Is this autumn of a doze which autumn of appetite is not to? 激しく眠い。 これは、食欲の秋ならぬ、居眠りの秋か?

Recently, the famous setup of "AirH゛" was done in the street.It isn't connected by all means.Is it so difficult?No, ・・・.Let's have a check firmly. 最近、巷で有名な、 「AirH゛」の設定をした。 どうしてもつながらない。 こんなに難しい…

All the way, it is meaningless if school is the part-time job which a soil day is in though it is going for only three days.However, it is good because it was rested. 折角、学校は3日しか行ってないのに、 土日があるバイトだったら、 意味は無…

A person is asked for the answer though it is supposed to want to talk to no one in the really severe day.Present one is not here if there is no person who catches it. 鬱な日って、誰とも話したくないはずなのに、 人に答えを求めてしまいますね…

Graduation research.A range is too wide though it found out that registration was used.First first, that you must do from the research of the registration, becoming clear.Until it is understood, very. 卒業研究。 レジストリを使うことは分か…

America ・・・.Do you become war?What does Japan do?I am war opponents.Hate produces only hate. アメリカが・・・ 戦争になるの? 日本はどうするの?私は戦争反対派。 憎しみは憎しみしか生み出しません。

Furthermore, school was closed thanks to the typhoon.However, an alarm was canceled soon.God said that it took a rest to us.With the thing, friend and shopping.The toy which only a child bought was bought, and very satisfied. 台風の御蔭で…

School was finished thanks to the typhoon in a half day.All the way, a car is to have it, too, and it is born, and tries it in a slot to begin!A result is 50% 50%.But, it went 1 box when it tried to put it in the pachinko after that 500 ye…

Soon, a certain part-time job is continued, and one year passes.It seems that it was short 【 it was long 】. ・・・.It grew very much if it was compared in those days.Especially, about the support, ・・・.But, it isn't sometimes understoo…

It is hot in the hot thing though it is probably whatthough it is probably September.九月だろうがなんだろうが、暑いものは暑い。

A decision on a research theme.As for these contents, "research on the automation of the setup of the network and preparation".As for doing the change of the setup, the rhinoceros which isn't put when it is connected to the school net and …

Shall I make graduation research network relations?Or, shall I touch a server?Shall I play with the registri?・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・.Do you make it by the game as well?Yet, a theme isn't decided. ・・・. 卒業研究を、ネットワーク関連にしようか? …

Only the class of the graduation research lasts.In other words, studying by oneself.There are many playing people.Are all of it all right?I want to do the concentration of the technology which becomes compilation till now. 卒業研究の授業ば…

Graduation research was made to a half year, and it decided to do.You must decide a team.My team completed smart honor anyway.Another name, TOP3!・・・ which a project is not in even if but there is some technology.What do you make? 卒業研…

School began again.It doesn't change, and all is fine.Emergency training was done.Completely, only a complaint.There is no feeling of the crisis. 学校がまた始まった。 皆、変わらず元気だ。 防災訓練をした。皆、文句ばかり。 危機感無いですね。

Today is a free part-time job, too.report.She who was new was made a little in front. 今日も暇なバイトだ。あ、報告。ちょいと前に、新しい彼女ができました。